Human Anatomy & physiology health Education PDF BOOK Ross and Wilson Ninth Edition
Table of Contents
Human Anatomy :
Human anatomy is the science which deals with the structure of the human body. The term, ‘ANATOMY’, is derived from a Greek word, “anatome”, meaning cutting up. The term ‘dissection’ is a Latin equivalent of the Greek anatome. However, the two words, anatomy and dissection, are not synonymous. Dissection is a mere technique, whereas anatomy is a wide field of study.
Gross (or macroscopic) anatomy: The study of anatomical features visible to the naked eye, such as internal organs and external features.
Surface Anatomy: The study of anatomical landmarks that can be identified by observing the surface of the body. Sometimes called superficial anatomy.
Microscopic anatomy: The study of minute anatomical structures on a microscopic scale, including cells (cytology) and tissues (histology).
Dissection: The process of disassembling an organism to determine its internal structure and understand the functions and relationships of its components
Physiology –
Physiology is the Scientific study of the function and which work within a living system as a sub discipline of biology, the focus of physiology is on how organsim, Organ system, Organ cell, and bio molecular carry out the chemical and physical function that exists in a living system.
Human Physiology –
Human physiology is the science of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical function of humans, and serves as the foundation of modern medicine.
As a discipline, it connects science, medicine, and health, and creates a framework for understanding how the human body adapts to stresses, physical activity, and disease.
Types of human physiology –
1. Cell physiology – This is the cornerstone of human physiology ; it is the study of the function of cells .
2. Special Physiology – This is the study of the function of specific organ.
Ex – Renal physiology is the study of kidney function .
3. Systemic Physiology – it includes all spects of the function of the body sytem. Such as cardiovascular physiology, Respiratory Physiology.
4. Pathophysiology – it is the study of the effect of diseases on organ or sytem function .
Father of human physiology –
Father of physiology, Claude Bernard is often referred to as the father of modern experimental physiology. He was born 200 years ago, on 13 July 1813, in France.
History of Anatomy :
The history of anatomy has been an evolving understanding of organs and structures in the body. Beginning in Ancient Greece and developing through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, methods of studying anatomy have advanced dramatically.
This field has moved from examination of animals and cadavers through invasive dissection to the technologically complex techniques developed in the 20th century, such as non-invasive imaging and radiology
Book Suitable for Medical students –
Human anatomy and Physiology Health Education is one of the most importent subject for student of medical colleges.
Ross and Wilson has been a core text for students of anatomy and physiology for almost 40 years.
This latest edition is aimed at health care professionals including nurses, nursing Pharmacy, BDS students, students of the professions allied to medicine, paramedics, ambulance technicians and complementary therapists.
It retains the straightforard approach to the description of body systems and how they work, and the normal anatomy and physiology is followed by a section that covers common disorders and diseases: the pathology.
The artwork has been completely redrawn using full colour, and many new diagrams have been included.
Content –
Section I – The body and its constituents.
- 1. Introduction to the human body ..
- 2. Introduction to the chemistry of life
- 3. The cell , tissue and organisation of the body.
Section II – Communication
- 4. The blood
- 5. Cardiovascular system
- 6. The Lymphatic system.
- 7. The Nervous system.
- 8. The Special senses
- 9. The Endocrine system.
Section III – Intake of Raw Materials and the elimination of waste
- 10. The respiratory system
- 11. Introduction to nutrition
- 12 . The Digestive System
- 13. The Urinary System.
Section IV – Protection and Survival
- 14. The Skin
- 15. Resistance and immunity
- 16. The skeleton .
- 17. The joint
- 18. The Muscular System.
- 19. The Reproductive System.
Human Anatomy & physiology health Education
BOOK’S NAME : Ross and Wilson’s Human Anatomy & physiology Education.
Authors : Anne Waugh. Allison Grant
Edition : 9th Edition
Size of PDF : 72.66 MB
Number of Pages : 495 Pages
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