SER conjugation | SER vs Estar, SER Chart [with PDF]

What is Ser Conjugation?

The verb Ser is one of the two spanish verbs that mean “to be. Spanish verbs fall into different groups, and each group is conjugated a little differently. If you’re going to master Spanish verbs like ser, you need to be able to identify which group a verb belongs to : The word Regular follows conjugation rules for -er or ar or ir. [1]

What is the meaning of Ser?

Ser in Spanish : Ser is a special verb in the sense that it is quite different in every tense, but also because of its multiple meanings and users. Ser word generally used in many santance like; Where are you live? What are you doing? In these types of santances are used. Ser is a Spanish word it means; ‘to be’).This is a very simple verb verb we learn in order to introduce ourselves and talk about nationality and profession.

Ser About Note : ser is an irregular verb. It is irregular in the present indicative, imperfect indicative, preterite, present subjunctive, imlerative..

What is the difference between Ser and Estar | Ser vs. Estar

Although they express something similar (the characteristics of a person or thing), estar and ser convey distinct ideas. Pointing out this difference to an English speaker, or a speaker of any language that doesn’t differentiate between these ideas, is a little

Since we use only one word to refer to both concepts, you’ll have to create an approach in your mind and learn how it works. As said above, don’t worry: the more you practice, the better you’ll get at it!

What is Ser

Ser expresses the attributes of a person or thing. When you use ser, you’re talking about characteristics that are a part of the essence of a person or thing: something unchangeable. Since ser helps us express the characteristics of a person or thing, what comes after the verb is an adjective! The structure for these sentences is ser + adjective:

Using ser :



Formula Spanish English
Ser+adjective EI gato es lindo The cat is Cute
= La case es grande The house is big
estar+gerund Yo estoy leyendo I am reading

Another way you can remember when to use the verb ser is to completely get rid of the verb and see how the adjective matches your noun. Adding the verb ser turns this phrase into a sentence*

Using ser :



Formula Spanish English
Ser+adjective EI gato lindo The Cute Cat
= La case grande The big house

*Sentences are grammatical units that include a subject (a person or thing) and a predicate (which includes a verb and whatever follows) and help us express a complete idea. On the other hand, phrases are a set of words that form part of a sentence or clause. Get reliable paper writing help from freelance writers on

What is Estar

Think of estar as a status or condition. Estar expresses how a person or thing exists, finds itself in a place or situation, how it feels, or how it remains with stability in a place, situation or condition.

As you can see, estar refers to something that can change and that doesn’t belong to the nature of the person or thing. Estar can help you say how you’re feeling, express a place
that you’re at, or something that you’re currently doing. When forming sentences with estar, you want to use the following structures:

Using Estar



Formula Spanish English
estar+adjective Yo estoy bueno I am in good health
estar+adverb Yo estoy bien I am(doing) well
estar+gerund Yo estoy leyendo I am reading



estar + en article Yo estoy en Una fiesta I’m at a party place
= Yo estoy en el trabajo I’m at work
= Yo estoy en el parque I’m at the park

Conjugating Ser and Estar

Now that you know when you should use each verb, let’s have a look at the conjugation since they are both irregular verbs (estar only varies on the first person singular – the rest of its conjugation is regular):

Ser Conjugating

Using Ser :



Subject Ser Example
yo Soy Yo soy linda. I am cute
t’u eres T’u eres feliz. You are happy.

Using Ester :



Subject Example
estoy Yo estoy bein.
I am doing well.
esta’s T’u esta’s muy feliz hoy.
You are very happy today

Some examples of; I am – ser, estar, tener

Yo estoy muy bien. (estar)
I’m doing really well.

Tú tienes frío. (tener)
You are cold.

Ella es muy linda. (ser)
She’s very cute.

Nosotros somos hermanos. (ser)
You are brothers.

Ustedes tienen miedo. (tener)
They are afraid.

Ellos son felices. (ser)
They are happy.

Las niñas son bailarinas. (ser)
The girls are dancers.

Los gatos están están aquí. (estar)
The cats are here.

Instructions for ser conjugation

“Write the correct sentences in Spanish! Make sure to use the right verb: ser, estar, tener. If you’re unsure which verb to use, you can always go back to the lesson.”

English word: I am in the living room.
Spanish word: Estoy en la sala.

English word: You are tired.
Spanish word: Tú estás cansado.

English word: She is Guatemalan.
Spanish word: Ella es gutemalteca.

English word: We are at work.
Spanish word: Estamos en el trabajo.

English: You are soccer players.
Spanish: Ustedes son jugadores de fútbol.

English word: They are siblings.
Spanish word: Ellos son hermanos.

English word: I’m good at chess.
Spanish word: You soy buena para el ajedrez.

English word: The baby is afraid.
Spanish word: El bebé tiene miedo.

English word: Dogs are cute.
Spanish word: Los perros son lindos.

English word: We are thirsty.
Spanish word: Tenemos sed.

English word: The dress is nice.
Spanish word: El vestido es bonito.

English word: The house is big.
Spanish word: La casa es grande.

Ser Conjugation Chart

below is the images of ser conjugation chart, you can save the image.

Ser chart

SER conjugation | SER vs Estar, SER Chart [with PDF] 3

ser conjugation

ser conjugation in Spanish

So in this article we have shared detailed information about ser conjugation, ser conjugation chart. hope you liked this article. share this with you friends.

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